Boost your Marketing career
Are you a young person in the South West (UK) who’s trying to advance their Marketing career? There are several ways you can connect with experienced Marketing professionals who are willing to offer their time, support and guidance. There are also several FREE courses available to you.
The opportunities listed below are some that I’ve been involved with. If none of them seem relevant to you, let me know and I’ll try to find an alterntative for you.

Digital Marketing Bootcamp
UWE (The University of the West of England) run a Digital Marketing Bootcamp a few times a year. It’s a fully funded 11 week course (1 day per week) available to over 19’s in the South West. The certificate you can gain form this course will be highly valued by potential employers, plus you are often paired with an experienced Mentor. [More information here].

Digital Marketing Academy
working knowledge
Working Knowledge provide Marketing Apprenticeships for young people across the UK. The Digital Marketing Academy is a 15-month programme, backed by apprenticeship funding and delivered by practising marketing consultants to support you every step of the way.. [See more and get in touch here].

Internship Programme
Bristol creative industries
Bristol Creative Industries have started running an internship programme (work placements & training) to support some of the region’s most underrepresented young people. If you’re interested in getting a Marketing apprenticeship then this could be a great place for you to start. [Read more here].

Meetups in Bristol
CONVERT & The marketing meetup
If you’re interested in something more informal, get involved with one of the many Marketing Meetups in Bristol. Lots of young people at at early stage in their career attend and they can meet professionals with more experience. You’ll be surprised what you can learn from just a quick 5 minute chat! [Read more about CONVERT or THE MARKETING MEETUP].

leadership & Development Day
Hosted by Varn (an SEO agency based in Bradford-on-Avon) in their woodland office. A day of inspiring & practical talks from business owners & directors who their shared advice & leadership lessons. [Sign up for news about next years event and read more about it > VARNFEST].

Weekly Webinars
The marketing meetup
Not only do the Marketing Meetup have an in-person meetup in Bristol, but they also have regular webinars from some of the UK’s leading Marketing professionals. These are all free and give you an opportunity to connect with like minded people too.
[Read more about THE MARKETING MEETUP].

Analytics Certificate
Google analytics
If you understand how to use Google Analytics, you’ll stand out from the crowd. A minority of candidates trying to get into Digital Marketing roles have hands on experience using Google Analytics. Even fewer have watched all this content and gained the Google Certification. [Read more on the Google website here].

Marketing Certificates
CXL have a huge amount of blog content freely available to read and learn from. They also have some brilliant marketing courses, although the majority have a cost. Either ask your employer to cover th cost of a course, or just take advantage of the free content. [Read more on the CXL website here].

Equal Opportunities Amabassadors (Mentors)
Babbasa are a charity in Bristol who support yound people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Their EOA network contains people who work in Marketing and similar professions, so they may be able to find a relevant mentor for you. [Read more here].