Experimentation and Sustainability (A Survey)
1 tree planted in the UK for each response*
Supported by:

By asking you to complete this survey, we’re building up an understanding of organisations’ level of maturity in areas of “experimentation” and “sustainability”.
The aim is to discover if there is a correlation between organisations who run website & mobile app experiments and those who operate sustainably.
It’s relevant to you if you’re responsible for the success of your website or mobile app.
[Interested to learn more? Scroll down below the survey].
Further information
More and more organisations are making sustainability a core part of their mission (environmental impact, supply chain quality, product durability etc).
At the same time, we’re seeing increasing numbers of organisations running “website experimentation” programmes (a/b testing, conversion optimisation etc.).
But are there many organisations doing both? Are there organisations using website experimentation to optimise their impact on People & Planet?
By asking you to complete this survey, we’re building up an understanding of UK organisations’ level of maturity in both areas of “experimentation” and “sustainability”.
All data shared will remain confidential and be anonymised in order to run the comparison. As one of the organisations completing the survey you’ll get a copy of the report findings & be able to see how you compare (to the other anonymous organisations).
Our hope is that, by collating and sharing this, we can increase the understanding and potential of website experimentation with organisations who are trying to make progress with their sustainability goals.
[Supported by Convert.com, Experimentation Elite and Ecologi].
*For each response (per organisation), up to a maximum of 100, we’ll arrange for a tree to be planted in the UK (£4.45 per tree with our partner Ecologi). To find out more about tree planting with Ecologi, read here.
If you have any questions, please contact ryan@ryan-webb.co.uk. See our privacy policy.

About Me
I help organisations improve the measurement and effectiveness of their website; otherwise known as “Conversion Optimisation”. By digging into your Web Analytics data, conducting User Behaviour Research & applying over 20 years of Best Practice experience, I identify opportunities to persuade more of your website visitors to take the desired action.
The result? Increasing the conversion rate.
I’m passionate about delivering sustainable growth for organisations with a purpose – whose goal is to do well financially while also doing good for society and the environment.
Some Websites I've Improved...